One of CAS Dental’s priorities is the preservation of natural teeth, avoiding their extraction whenever possible. Tooth loss entails cosmetic problems which can lead to low self-esteem, functional problems such as difficulties in speech and chewing, and even losses of bone tissue.
Depending on how far the damage to the tooth has progressed and its current state, we can use different treatments.
Endodontic treatments are some of the most common in dentistry. They are colloquially known as root canals.
We resort to this when we want to save a tooth that has been so badly damaged that the pulp of the tooth (its deepest part) has been affected. When this happens, it is very common for the patient to feel discomfort or pain.
Doing a root canal allows us to totally or partially remove the damaged pulp and then seal the tooth. Once a permanent adult tooth has been formed, the pulp is not essential, so we can extract it, preserving the tooth and its functionality.
It’s not just cavities that can lead to a deterioration of the pulp. Tooth wear, periodontitis (gum disease), and fractures/trauma are other frequent causes.
First, we do a complete diagnostic set of X-rays. That way, we can check if the root of the tooth has been affected and determine if it’s necessary to proceed with the root canal.
During the root canal, which is always done under local anesthesia, our expert dentist creates a small access point through the tooth to reach the pulp chamber and begins the disinfection process. We remove the infected tissue and thoroughly clean the canals.
Once the area has been completely disinfected, we proceed to fill and seal the canals with a safe, biocompatible material, returning the tooth to its normal appearance and function.
En CAS Dental nos comprometemos a proporcionarte la mejor experiencia dental, ofreciendo tratamientos de blanqueamiento dental y otros servicios de odontología de alta calidad. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados y equipamiento de última tecnología para garantizar tu satisfacción y bienestar dental.
Desde el diagnóstico hasta el seguimiento post-tratamiento, te ofrecemos un trato cercano y personalizado para que puedas lucir una sonrisa radiante y saludable. ¡Confía en nosotros para transformar tu sonrisa y mejorar tu calidad de vida!
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