Dental implants en Ayamonte | CAS Dental

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We are specialists in Dental Implants.

Dental implants are a safe and long-lasting solution for all patients who, for whatever reason, have lost one or more teeth. At CAS Dental, we incorporate the latest techniques and technologies in implantology, aiming to increase our patients’ quality of life and focusing on achieving natural-looking, attractive results.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial root that looks very similar to a screw. It is made of titanium, a material chosen for its safety and durability.
This root is affixed to the jawbone exactly where the lost tooth used to be. A prosthetic crown is then attached to replace the missing tooth and fulfill its functions.

Are dental implants safe?

Implants are a safe solution that is recommended for most patients.

Today, the integration rate is 95%, much higher than it was a few years ago, and this is thanks to advances in implantology. In many cases, these advances also allow us to place the implants and prostheses on the same day.

It is also possible to place implants when the initial conditions are not ideal, thanks to techniques such as bone regeneration.

Before starting the process, we carry out a complete radiographic study to understand the patient’s needs, the state of their mouth and maxillary bones, and determine the different solutions we can provide.

Advantages of dental implants

Free first consultation and diagnosis

Tu clínica dental en Ayamonte | CAS Dental

En CAS Dental nos comprometemos a proporcionarte la mejor experiencia dental, ofreciendo tratamientos de blanqueamiento dental y otros servicios de odontología de alta calidad. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados y equipamiento de última tecnología para garantizar tu satisfacción y bienestar dental.

Desde el diagnóstico hasta el seguimiento post-tratamiento, te ofrecemos un trato cercano y personalizado para que puedas lucir una sonrisa radiante y saludable. ¡Confía en nosotros para transformar tu sonrisa y mejorar tu calidad de vida!

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Free first consultation and diagnosis

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