Dental veneers are one of the most in-demand cosmetic dentistry treatments.
These are a thin layer of material that is placed on the surface of the tooth to hide cosmetic imperfections.
Recent advances in dentistry have given rise to alternatives such as injectable composite veneers. These are bonded directly to the surface of the tooth using a composite resin, so it is not necessary to grind the tooth.
The procedure, in addition to being minimally invasive, has other major advantages:
On the one hand, we can finish the process of placing the veneers in just one day, so the patient can get their new smile in just a matter of hours.
On the other hand, less procedure time means lower costs for the patient.
Before placing them, we carry out a complete preliminary study. In this study, we analyze the patient’s facial morphology in order to design an amazing smile that fits their face and meets their expectations.
With proper care, composite veneers are a very long-lasting solution.
We recommend regular check-ups and cleaning to improve their conservation.
Dental veneers are a highly recommended option for patients with:
In addition to injectable composite veneers, we offer other high-quality alternatives, depending on the patient’s needs and the reason they are seeing us; these include lithium disilicate veneers or zirconium veneers.
All of them offer optimal results, so we will determine the option that best suits each patient following a complete study.
En CAS Dental nos comprometemos a proporcionarte la mejor experiencia dental, ofreciendo tratamientos de blanqueamiento dental y otros servicios de odontología de alta calidad. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados y equipamiento de última tecnología para garantizar tu satisfacción y bienestar dental.
Desde el diagnóstico hasta el seguimiento post-tratamiento, te ofrecemos un trato cercano y personalizado para que puedas lucir una sonrisa radiante y saludable. ¡Confía en nosotros para transformar tu sonrisa y mejorar tu calidad de vida!
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