Restorative Dentistry in Ayamonte | CAS Dental

Restorative Dentistry includes all of the more common treatments that are used to repair habitual dental problems.

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Dental inlays

Inlays are partial restorations of a tooth. We use these when the loss of tooth structure is moderate. We use these when the loss of tooth structure is moderate. We often perform this procedure in patients with root canals or those who have teeth that are very worn or have fissures, often due to bruxism (teeth grinding).

Dental crowns

When a tooth is very deteriorated, we can place a dental crown to act as a cover or protective casing for the damaged tooth. This prosthesis completely covers the tooth and serves not only to protect, but also to improve its appearance thanks to its natural and realistic finish. These are made to measure, with the highest-quality materials, which are resistant and very durable.

Dental bridges

We can use these when one or more teeth have been lost.
As their name implies, they serve as a bridge between the remaining teeth, covering the gap left by the missing teeth.

In addition, this is a very long-lasting treatment that prevents teeth from shifting into the spaces left by those that were lost.


One of the most common dental problems is cavities, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to tooth loss. In our country alone, it is estimated that about 33 million people have them. As long as a cavity is detected in time, a filling is the best solution to fix it. This treatment consists of using a biocompatible material to fill in the area decayed by cavity-causing bacteria, restoring the tooth to its initial state.


When the damage is greater and more than two sides of the tooth has been affected by the cavity, we resort to dental reconstructions. These allow us to rebuild larger areas, preventing their deterioration and restoring the tooth’s appearance and functionality. We do this using different biocompatible materials such as composite, with which we faithfully reproduce the original appearance of the tooth.

Tu clínica dental en Ayamonte | CAS Dental

En CAS Dental nos comprometemos a proporcionarte la mejor experiencia dental, ofreciendo tratamientos de blanqueamiento dental y otros servicios de odontología de alta calidad. Contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados y equipamiento de última tecnología para garantizar tu satisfacción y bienestar dental.

Desde el diagnóstico hasta el seguimiento post-tratamiento, te ofrecemos un trato cercano y personalizado para que puedas lucir una sonrisa radiante y saludable. ¡Confía en nosotros para transformar tu sonrisa y mejorar tu calidad de vida!

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